The Kehilla
Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh is located in the city of Beit Shemesh. Our location grants easy access to schools, medical clinics, grocery stores, restaurants, parks, yeshivot, mikvaot, public transportation, shopping centers, and more. Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh is a dati leumi Torah-oriented community.
Programs at Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh include:
- Daily Daf Yomi Shiur
- Vibrant community Shabbat Minyan
- Limud Horim V’Yiladim
- Meorot Programs Community
- Monthly Women’s Shiur
- Semichat Chaver
- Parsha Shiur
- Children’s holiday programs
- Tiyulim
- Hachnasat Orchim
The community of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh is made up of families from near and far. With diversity of Israel born members to many who have made Aliyah over the past number of years from the US, Canada and UK, there is a true sense of achdut and reiyut.
Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Shlita
Rabbi Shalom Rosner is the spiritual leader of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh. He has thousands of global talmidim who follow his popular Daf Yomi, Parshat HaShavua, Nach and Sefer Hamitzvot shiurim that are broadcast on Renowned for his ability to clarify the most complex sugyot, Rabbi Rosner is a Senior Ram at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh. Dr. Tamar Rosner is appreciated for her active involvement in the Kehilla, especially for her Women’s shiurim, and, with her husband, has created a warm and welcoming community.
Rabbi Rosner is a graduate of Yeshiva University, with a BA in Economics and a Masters in Jewish Education and Administration from Azrieli. A Musmach of RIETS, Rav Rosner was a member of the Beren Kollel Elyon and a Kupietsky Kodshim Fellow. During the summers, he is Camp Rabbi and Educational Director at Camp Kaylie. Rabbi Rosner is married to Dr. Rabanit Tamar Rosner, a pediatrician, and has 7 children
Listen to Rav Rosner’s recorded Torah classes
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Board and Committees
- Motty Eichler – President
- Mark Jacobs – Gabbai
- Linda Lipstein – Treasurer
- Richard Gertler
- Yossi Lupas
- Meir Beinenstock
- Sara Simchi – Meorot President
- Chanie Jacobs
- Eliezer Orenstein
- Sara Orenstein
- Sam Kalmowicz
- Gedaliah Borvick
- Simmy Zimbalist
- Daniella Stadtmauer
- Laya Bejell
- Jason Rozen
- Sam Kalmowicz
- Simmy Zimbalist
- Meir Beinenstock
- Linda Lipstein
- Laya Bejell
- Jason Schwartz
- Aryeh Deverett
- Elie Rosenblatt
The Meorot, sisterhood of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh spiritually and socially enriches the lives of our community. Its programming helps enrich the connection of the women to each other and to the community. In addition to an erev gibbush, shul shabbaton, and events for women, the women of Meorot organize mishloach manot for the shul, as well as bring more chessed and Torah to the community. There are monthly shiurim given by the women of the community for the women of the community, as well as a weekly nach chaburah. Contact us!
Meorot Board Members:
- Sara Simchi co-president
- Judy Wilks co-president
- Laya Bejell
- Minna Cohen
- Racheli Fuld
- Rebecca Silberman