
The Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh Torah Classes Schedule

Weekday Shiurim

Daily: 7:00am - Rabbi Rosner - Daf HaYomi Yerushalmi

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Sunday: 8:30pm - Rabbi Rosner - Semichat Chaver

Monday: 8:30pm - Melissa Rayman - Nach Shiur

Tuesday: 8:30pm - Dr. Gertler - Neveim Shiur

Wednesday: 8:30pm - Rabbi Rosner - Parsha Shiur

Shabbat Shiurim

Hour before Shacharis - Jason Schwartz - Daf HaYomi Bavli

After Musaf - Rabbi Rosner - Halacha Drasha

Hour before Mincha - Rabbi Rosner - Halacha Shiur

Following Mussaf (Summer)/ Motzei Shabbat (Winter) - Horim V'Yiladim

Weekly Learning

Sponsorship for a week of learning and the Horim V’Yiladim in our shul is 300 NIS.

If you would like to sponsor the learning, please click below and fill in the Google Form. Upon completion, you will be directed to make the payment.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda via WhatsApp or Email.

Davening times

Sunday- Thursday

Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

Mincha Gedola: 13:30

Mincha/ Ma’ariv “Bazman”: 19:15/ 20:20

Late Ma’ariv: 21:15


Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

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