A Message From The Rabbi
Dear Friends,
דע מאין באת ולאן אתה הולך ולפני מי אתה עתיד ליתן דין וחשבון.
we started our kehilla with apprehension and trepidation, hope and excitement. Today, we look back to see what we have accomplished, and forward, to rededicate ourselves to our goals.
Rav Shalom Yosef Zevin, at the end of Sefer Shemos, notes that the parshiyos of Vayakhel and Pekudei are usually read together, and even if not, they follow each other. In a homiletic comment, Rav Zevin remarks that there are many that believe in the strength of the צבור, the collective effort. It’s all about the team, and individuals lose their own identity. The sum wipes out the value of any of the combined parts. There are others, though, that believe in the כח of the יחיד, the ability for each person to strive and succeed, to make an impact. The greatness of a group is the specific parts within. יהדות does not accept either extreme. We believe that a צבור, a קהילה, is an entity that achieves goals and attainments that would not have been possible by any יחיד by himself or herself. The collective is greater than the sum of its parts. But that does not diminish the uniqueness, value, and importance of the contribution of each of the members. We believe in ויקהל, the קהילה, the צבור, the group, as well as פקודי, the פקודה של כל אחד ואחד, the special position and abilities of each and every individual. ויקהל and פקודי go together.
The single greatest element of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh has been the unique contribution of each family that has moved in, and how that contribution helps to solidify the צבור which we have. Our wonderful families have come together, bound by common values and ideals: the desire to build a serious מקום תורה ותפילה, a place where are children will feel comfortable and proud about who they are and what they believe in, a place where אהבת הבריות, אהבת תורה, ואהבת ארץ ישראל can mesh together into a commitment to build a מקום של קידוש ה’, of which we all can take pride.
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Building Updates: 1.7.2016
Things to Come
We are thankful to have an amazing architect helping us in the detailed planning of our future shul.
Kehillat Hashemesh has embarked on a shul building campaign. We have been davening and learning in Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh’s social hall for the past 6 years. Our community is B”H growing, and we are now embarking on a major expansion project to build a main sanctuary, 2nd floor women’s section balcony, beit midrash, youth room, and daf yomi center. This expansion will enable us to not only handle more people for tefillah but also to provide the space needed to expand opportunities for Limud Torah and Harbatzat Torah, as well as to develop informal educational and chesed programming in Eretz Yisrael.
We have received a conditional building permit. We plan to receive the final permit soon and break ground this summer with the hope of completing this project within the next 18 months.
The total cost of the building project is expected to be $2.4M, and we already have cash in the bank and commitments totaling $900K. We need to raise the remaining $1.5M.
Ground Floor
Video by Tzvi Simcha Cohen. A special thanks to Efrain Silverman, David Ben-Yshay, Brian Spector, Ari Ellen, Mark Jacobs, Judy Wilks, Hillel Zakai, Rabbi Shalom Rosner for putting the video together.
Help Us Build Our Dream
We’ve just produced a video to help pass our message to those willing to take on the opportunity to help. Please take three short minutes to watch the video below.
Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh Building Dedications
Below is dedication options for the building, for more information please contact Simmy Zimbalist.
- Name of Shul Building = $800,000
- Main Sanctuary = $360,000
- Bet Midrash = $250,000
- Lobby and entrance to main sanctuary = $180,000
- Simcha Hall = $250,000
- Roof Terrace = $72,000
- Ezrat Nashim - upper floor = $100,000
- Ezrat Nashim - ground floor = $36,000
- Youth Room - Classroom #2 = $54,000
- Parent baby rooms - Nursing Room = $18,000
- Kitchen = $54,000
- Aron Kodesh (Main Sanctuary) = $54,000
- Daf Yomi Center - Classroom #1 = $100,000
- Bima (Main Sanctuary) = $36,000
- Sukka Pergola = $36,000
- Rabbi's Chair & Shtender (Main Sanctuary) = $25,000
- Ner Tamid (Main Sanctuary) = $25,000
- Shliach Tzibur Amud (Main Sanctuary) = $25,000
- Seforim Bookcases = $25,000
- Kisai Shel Eliyahu (Bris Chair) = $25,000
- Kohanim Washing Station = $18,000
- Garden = $18,000
- Rabbi's Office - upstairs Mamad = $18,000
- Parochet (Main Sanctuary) - Year round = $18,000
- Parochet (Main Sanctuary) - Yamim Noraim = $18,000
- Chanukah Menora = $11,000
- Bima Cover (Main Sanctuary) - Year round = $10,000
- Bima Cover (Main Sanctuary) - Yamim Noraim = $10,000
- Mezuzah (front Door) = $10,000
- Mezuzah (Main Sanctuary - 2/2 dedicated)* = $10,000
- Mezuzah (Ezrat Nashim)* = $18,000
- Mezuzah (Simcha Hall) = $18,000
- Benefactors = $36,000
- Patrons = $18,000
- Builder - Plaque = $10,000
- Building Fund = $5,000
- 12 Tribes Window (each- 4/12 dedicated)* = $10,000
- Hagbah Bench = $10,000
- Parsha/V'tein Tal Borad = $7,200
- Mechitza* (1/many dedicated) = $5,000
- Mezuzah* (3/many dedicated) = $5,000
- Row of Seats (each)* (4/many dedicated) = $5,000
- Prayer Plaque for Chayalim, HaShoah or Modim* (3/3 dedicated) = $5,000
- Yehrtzeit Plaque Board = $5,000
*Multiple dedications are available.
**Dedications are available on a first-come first-served basis as signed by both the Rav and the President.